
Kiln Loaded

Joe and I loaded the kiln this afternoon for a bisque firing. Once this firing is finished, I will have forty new pieces to glaze including cereal bowls, serving bowls, a large plate, several pitchers, a variety of other small pieces and several handfuls of herb pendants. I am nervous and excited about the upcoming glazing because I have one glaze I have not yet tried and am hoping to improve my use of the other two which had mixed results last time. I used a red and green which was great for the holidays, but where the two mixed pooled in the bowls produced a bubbly texture I don’t want to repeat.

This tall, lanky pitcher just missed the firing as it was still drying. I absolutely love throwing pitchers, but get a little squeamish about the handles. The shape and placement of the handle is such a big decision to make! I has to balance the figure of the body and spout and be aligned so that the pourer’s hand doesn’t get exhausted using the pitcher. It will probably take me years to develop my personal optimum form, but this one has close to the look of what I’m going for. The handle is probably just a smidgen too high, but that is yet to be determined until I test it out.


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